Doing a job interview after being laid off is not an easy thing to do. Especially in the midst of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The emergence of the economic impact turned out to affect many industries. So that not a few companies are forced to reduce the number of employees. Seeing this condition, it means there are also many layoff victims like you who are also looking for work.
Therefore there are many things that need to be prepared. In addition to preparing a CV, choosing the right clothes, and ensuring a smooth internet connection if you do a job interview online, there are a number of other things that you need to pay attention to.
Not only do you show professional skills, you also have to prepare mentally to be honest with the conditions and challenges after being laid off.
Well, to make it easier for you to undergo an interview after experiencing layoffs, here we have summarized some things that you can prepare.
1. Make sure emotions are stable before accepting a job interview offer
Accepting the fact that we are laid off from work that has been done so far is not easy. Therefore the first step you need to take after being laid off and before accepting a job interview offer is to make sure your emotions are stable.
Having an interview with a cool head and a calm heart can make you more fluent in answering questions. So before starting an interview or even before looking for a new job, the main thing to do is to organize your emotions. You should be able to accept the decisions of the company gracefully and not blame yourself. Especially in the condition of the COVID-19 pandemic as it is today. Where many industries are affected so they have to reduce the number of employees.
2. Be honest that you left the company because you were laid off
Usually the interviewers will ask what is the reason you are applying for a new job. Well, for this one thing you have to be honest that you were laid off. Tell us briefly that you are one of a number of disadvantaged employees who have to be laid off by the company.
But keep in mind, this is a job interview not a confession session. So make sure you have prepared a short, concise, and clear story that is quite diplomatic and professional. Your honesty can be a positive point that can benefit you in the interview session
3. Discuss what you learned after being laid off
In life, one indication we have developed is our ability to be able to learn from experience and mistakes. So, after you tell honestly what happened, then explain what you have learned from the layoff experience.
Express the interviewer experience has had a positive impact. For example you want to always give the best even the smallest assignment given. After that continue with the advantages that you have in your career. Make the interviewers confident that you are the right candidate for the proposed position.
4. Avoid telling the ugliness of a former boss or company
Even though you have anger and hatred towards your employer or company that has already laid you off, it doesn’t mean you can vilify them during a job interview. This can give the impression that you are not a loyal employee. In addition, interviewers will also think that you will also do the same thing to their company if one day there is a problem.
5. Make conclusions that show you are the person they are looking for
To help ensure that the interview ends positively, take the time to summarize the things that you think can give the impression that you are competent to occupy the position offered. Also make sure they know you are very interested in working at the company. Then after the interview is over, don’t forget to send an email expressing thanks for being given the opportunity to do a job interview with them.
Experienced Recruiter with a demonstrated history of working in the media production industry. Strong human resources professional with a Bachelor’s degree focused in Psychology from Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana.