Recently, the social media was shocked with the hashtag #2020onlinegraduation, especially if it was not because of the many ceremonial graduation processes that were replaced by the online graduation and even had to be canceled. Not a few who are disappointed about this, but the thing to remember, graduation is not the goal of education, graduation is just ceremonial, anyway we still graduate with a bachelor’s degree. The most important thing from education is how you process and be able to apply it in life, both for career and also in society.
On the other hand, seeing the hashtag that is trending, the emergence of new graduates in 2020 is increasing the number of labor markets in the world. Not to mention the people who lost their jobs due to the pandemic crisis and employees who chose to leave because they could not adjust their performance to the increasingly demanding work demands. While the availability of job vacancies has not been able to meet market demand, because there are still many companies that limit recruitment programs. What does it mean? The job search competition in the new normal era is becoming more fierce.
For new graduates competing with people who are experienced and competent, certainly not an easy thing. If you are a recent graduate, you should be able to offer more value to the company.
If we want to make academic values as a weapon to face career competition, in this current condition and era we cannot. We must be able to offer specific expertise, then the company will see
Improve digital capabilities
Since there is a policy of keeping social distance in some areas, a lot of work has shifted from conventional to digital. Business activities, service facilities and marketing systems are also now mostly carried out through online platforms. For that the company will really need workers who master digital technology, ranging from social media, digital marketing, web and digital applications.
Quickly adapt to change
Given that industries must also move quickly to adjust to changes in people’s lives, workers must also be able to keep up with changes. For example, direct communication is currently very limited, meeting activities inevitably have to be done online, here you should be able to learn quickly using existing digital communication facilities.
Update your CV and portfolio
Show skills in a specific area, you will have a greater chance of being accepted into a company. During quarantine, multiply learning and productively produce works that can be included in the CV and portfolio.
If you like writing, you can enter a writing competition or try to become a freelance writer. If you like drawing, you can display your work on social media or even sell it. By productively producing work, you can update your CV and portfolio so that you have strong competitiveness in the career world
Open your own business
If you haven’t given you a way to work under a company but your life needs must be met immediately, why not try opening your own business? It’s not easy to open your own business, there must be ups and downs, especially in the midst of a pandemic like now. But, all can be learned if you want, many online classes and books that you can absorb knowledge. Or you can find professional and experienced mentors who help your business processes. You can have access to communication and consultation with renowned experts to resolve your career turmoil.
Make use of online training platforms
Do you often quarantine during online training / webinars? We can get a lot of new knowledge and insight there. But not all online training can give you certification, right? The certificate you get from training will be very useful when you apply for a job. The company will see documents other than CVs and cover letters relating to your expertise, one of which is certification.

Experienced Recruiter with a demonstrated history of working in the media production industry. Strong human resources professional with a Bachelor’s degree focused in Psychology from Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana.